The Umbrella Collective is no more. There will be one last show at KickArts in Cairns from August 5th -30th. That will be the last time we come together as a group.
The decision to disband was reached several weeks ago. As far as break-ups go it was a good one. We had all grown and changed since we first joined forces, and our practices were now moving in different directions. Our goals were no longer united, so splitting just seemed like the right thing to do, and it was. Still it was hard. I personally felt all the mixed emotions of being simultaneously sad and glad, and that it was a mature decision, and a failure as well.
Overall mixing business and friendship is tricky business. Great things can come of it, and problems as well. Being a member of groups such as the Umbrella Collective and MoB Workspace has taught me that. When contemplating mixing the two I would suggest questions really need to be asked beforehand. Such as, where is the line between business and friendship? What should you expect of a friend, and what should you expect of a business associate? The waters can get very muddy when you join the two, and unfortunately friendships can be damaged or lost, and business goals never truly achieved. Being part of groups can also give you some enormous benefits and opportunities, as they have for me, and I am truly grateful for that.
pictured above, Flying Star Toys on display at the Christmas Umbrella show.
That is a shame. I hope everyone is happy and is moving on with their business in the right direction!
Thanks for your well wishes Kara!
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