Just a quick update for why it has been so long between posts. I usually am a little more regular than this, but life has just gotten in the way a bit too much lately. It has been darn fun and chaotic too. My parents were staying with me for the past two months so consequently I went out A LOT! Hey Mum nothing again you and Dad it was great, and greatly appreciated, but...
Now my parents have safely returned to Sydney Town I'll have to get back on track with work. And there is lots too do as Christmas is rapidly approaching! Anyway better go now and get a start on all that...
Knitwit Necklace (middles), pictured above.
Great jewelry! I love your unique style!
You make some really cute jewelry. Luvin it.
That's right - get cracking party girl! The people want your stuff!
Thanks guys for all the encouragement! Better get a move on then!
Looove the green necklace!! :)
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