I suspect things may be a little quieter from now until the end of the financial year. So I'm taking some time to give my webshop a much needed makeover. I've never really been 100% happy with my webshops. Previously I've had a website shop on my website, that I built, which really involved a lot of work to keep updated. Time that I didn't often seem to have, so hence it didn't often get updated! Plus I had an Etsy shop. Also I started working on a Big Cartel shop so I could have a simple shopping cart in AU dollars as well as an Etsy shop in US dollars. Well, all that was getting a bit much to manage. Plus I thought it was getting too confusing for the customer.
So, for now, I've decided to focus on one shop, my Etsy one, and see how that goes. I'm aiming to build it up to a hundred, or so, pieces. Forty two so far! Plus working on better photography, displays, descriptions, marketing, and adding the prices and more options for Australian, as well as International customers. Phew, that's a lot to do, but I'm enjoying doing it.
I'm probably still am not 100% happy with my webshop (wished etsy had a currency converter!), but I am happier. I'm enjoying having just one shop to focus on.
Although the real down side on spending so much more time on Etsy, building my shop, is that I'm finding so many wonderful things I would love to buy! Perhaps I better sell a bit more first!
pictured above, pieces from my Etsy shop
In this site Buy bangles are so beautiful and wonderful and bright ful
so beautiful!!
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