Making jewellery out of recognizable recycled materials, such as my knitting needle bangles, is something I truly love to do. But even more than that, I love to make jewellery out of the scraps. When you aren't quite sure what the materials were originally. Making something lovely from the remnants is what I love best.
At the moment I am enjoying making Love Knots. Pictured above, are a range of new rings made from the middles of vintage knitting needles. I have a box full of these pieces left over from years of making earrings and necklaces from knitting needle tops and tips. The colours and plastics are so lovely that I couldn't bare to throw them away (not that I am one for throwing much away!).I expected the right idea would come along eventually. I think it has! There are also earrings and necklaces in the making, which I am equally excited about, and will show you here soon.
Rings retail for $35AU single knot/$45AU double knot, and will shortly be available through stockists nationally. Email me if you would like further details.

I would love to post some of your jewelry on my blog - linking back to you so people will know where to buy it. Let me know if that is okay with you.
kasch5 at comcast dot net
i want to eat them....jajajaja!!
simple, cute, colorful. great idea.
These are so cute! I love (ironically) the love knot rings, might just have to get myself one!
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