About Liana

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Brisbane, Australia
My studio is located in Brisbane, Australia. For the past 10 years I’ve been enjoying creating jewellery designs from an array of mundane materials. Tupperware and knitting needles have remained a firm favourite. My designs have been published numerous times, graced the shelves of many wonderful galleries and stores and been worn by those whose aren’t afraid of colour and attention. All of which I am very grateful for. For several years I’ve also been fortunate enough to work with many businesses as a coach and workshop facilitator.

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Monday, October 18, 2010

Made Because...

Bracelets made because...
I love the graphic nature of numbers.
I'm interested in exploring simple yet effective ways to connect pieces.
they continue the theme.
I wanted to.

Not available for purchase anywhere.


dash robin said...

beautiful. these remind me somehow of something I'd find in my grandfathers fishing box...err that probably doesnt sound very flattering so let me rephrase-these have a charm and nostalgia, like old packaging of the 30s or 40s...love em, xoKate

SLR said...

creativity in its purest form

Harriete Estel Berman said...

I like the way you use the grommets to use multiple small pieces of tape measure.

katie said...

these are super cute! I love them!

Wall Lights said...

Thanks a lot for the post.It's certainly a good deal.Have a nice time.

become stylist personal shopper said...

These bracelets are beautifully made. They are really nice.

Denise said...

Those are gorgeous, Liana - I love the graphic elements of typography and numbers too - very cool!

Nini said...

wonderful idea! Did you make them yourself? How did you do the colorful 'rings' (I don't know it in english..) ?
I do DIY things too on my blog.
If you like please visit my blog and follow me!
xoxo Nini

Grizzlyman said...

cool blog :)

Unknown said...

Awwww, not for sale ! Will you be making some to sell, because I want one! :)

@Sr_Erotic said...

nossa muito tp legal

Suzanne said...

These bracelets are fantastic on so many levels. Measuring tape and woman...! Love the concept and what you've done with it.