I'm going to admit that I like to be busy. I'm also going to admit that I like to complain about it.
Just when I'm at the point where I feel like I'm getting on top of things I add more to my workload. This has happened again this week with a decision to start an etsy shop (you can have a peek but it is no where near ready yet). I have given myself a two week deadline from today to learn all the ins and out of it, and believe me it is a whole other ballgame. Next I will need to get a decent amount of work in the shop, which I pretty much have to make all of. Plus I'm planning to run a treasure hunt type competition to launch it (you need to be a newsletter subscribers to enter this one). Oh I suspect I've slipped into whinge mode again!!
Luckily I will be getting some help with my new venture as my dear friend Miss Windbag has recently started up her own etsy shop. Also my super smart 11yr old has chipped in, and spent some time this morning showing her mum how to use paint/photoshop to create a decent looking banner.
If you have an etsy shop or any etsy experiences to share? I'd love to hear from you. Any advice/comments will gratefully be accepted.
I must admit the brooch looks great on the coloured plastic background!
Its great to be able to share info to help each other :)
Hi Liana, I´m sure you will do great on Etsy! Your work is so original and lovely : )
I´ve had my shop there about a year, but haven´t put in a lot of effort in promoting it, so it´s a bit slow for me. However, found a great forum on Craftster with exactly what I needed, so go check this link out:
You shop looks wonderful so far. I also have an etsy shop www.colleenbaran.etsy.com and I've just favourited you.
I've had a shop for about 9 months- but just started selling late Nov. I've found it a really smooth and 'user friendly' system. When there have been problems admin has been friendly and helpful, as have people in the forums.
Tag! Your're it!
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