One of my recent customers just alerted me to the fact that I got a mention in the current issue of Knit.1. She works in a yarn shop in the US and was stocking the shelves with it when she happened to flick through and notice the article. This sort of unexpected press is always a thrill.
It may not be Vogue the fashion magazine, but rather Vogue knitting's little sister mag, but I'm happy. More than happy - thank you!
LIaNa....... LoVE yOuR Blogg spot & pHotoS .. know you are working HaRd So it was great to see the article in the magazine...maybe you should do an exhibition called WEARABLE LolliEs...
jAnet...(aLiaS JAMTART)
That is spectacular... Congratulations! Your shop is wonderful!
so exciting
Hey, that's great. It must be exciting to get exposure such as that. Of course it is well deserved, your stuff is just lovely.
Just so you know the forums work, I found your blog in the etsy forum "Aussie Etsy Sellers Sign Up Here".
Hey Liana,
My friend works for the publisher of Knit1 magazine and I told her about the bracelets I bought from your site (I lost mine - can you believe it?!) so I think that may be how you got the feature. Ironically, I'm in the same issue - I knit the tote bag out of black trash bags on page...42. Let me know if you need a copy of the magazine - I have a few extra. Email me your address and I'll mail it to you. Take care! Rebecca
THANK YOU to all of you!!
Hi Rebecca. Even if this wasn't how it happened I appreciate you mentioning me.
I did manage to get a copy and again I appreciate the offer.
I'm of to check out your bags now..
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