The wonderful Miss Davern has sent me a parcel all the way from Estonia. I am a lucky girl. The box is filled with daisy-like plastic candle holders. I'm not sure what I'll do with these yet but I'm sure I'll think of something!
Anna is someone I admired for many reasons. A few of these are that her work is fabulously inventive and perfectly constructed, she is thoughtful, generous and funny too! But perhaps most importantly, she has a CAN DO attitude. You really aren't going to get too far in these creative spheres if you let the roadblocks stop you. I believe you need to find your way around them, again and again. When Anna didn't get any hoped for funding for a residency in Estonian she found a way to get there on her own steam.
I know she will make it big time - I have no doubt whatsoever. As you-know-who said, JUST DO IT.
P.S I am in no way saying nice things because Miss Davern is now sending me a postcard she found of a Tupperware meeting from the 50's - too cool!
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