I went along to Pecha Kucha last night and loved it. It is on every month at the Brisbane Powerhouse and will definitely be a regular date in my diary from now on.
Pecha Kucha really is a kind of show and tell for adults. A cross section of creatives show and discuss 20 slides for 20 seconds each. With the talk being over in 6 minutes and 40 seconds there is just no chance to get bored!
It feels important to me right now to engage with my community and become a part of it. Also I want to see what others in a range of related industries are doing. I find that really inspiring. I left last night feeling inspired.
These events are happening in major cities worldwide so check them out if you can. It is worth a look.
Maybe one day I'll put my hand up to present one too. Maybe.
Thanks for the info on this night... sounds like something I'd be very interested in. I will have to go along to the next one!
Love your jewellery btw... I am a jewellery designer too (www.kittycatblack.com) and it's cool to see other jewellery designers in Brisbane doing cool things. :)
^_^ Sharon
Yes come along to the next one, and if you happen to recognise me do say hi!
You are doing some interesting work. Really niche, which I think is excellent. You do need to stand out from the crowd.
Actually that goes for anyone. If you see me there (& I will be there) come and say hello. Half the point in going is to network.
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