It was a nice surprise to see my
earrings image had been used on the new
KickArts Shop flyer. It was also a good reminder that getting this sort of promotion from your suppliers is not that hard. They are often in need of good images for their websites, invitations, catalogues, advertising, etc, and if you give them some of those good images easily, there is a good chance that they will use them in some way or other.
I don't do this often enough but sending a disk of new images with your work ever now and again can really pay off, and if it doesn't what has it cost you anyway?
Congrats on the boost! I'm so sorry I live far from Oz and can't get to see your work up close and personal...maybe someday. In the meantime, you really inspire me!
In the current resurgence of knitting I am so sick of hearing 'just ask your granny'. Knitting is for everyone. Even the needles are trendy - witness your work.
Hey Liana, I find your jewellery designs fantastic! I actually need to study a designer for a yr 12 project and I was wondering if there is a way I can contact you and ask you some questions? Here's my email if you have the time: gaiamf@hotmail.com. Thanks!
- Gaia
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