About Liana

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Brisbane, Australia
My studio is located in Brisbane, Australia. For the past 10 years I’ve been enjoying creating jewellery designs from an array of mundane materials. Tupperware and knitting needles have remained a firm favourite. My designs have been published numerous times, graced the shelves of many wonderful galleries and stores and been worn by those whose aren’t afraid of colour and attention. All of which I am very grateful for. For several years I’ve also been fortunate enough to work with many businesses as a coach and workshop facilitator.

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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Princess Liana

At times I can be a bit of a princess. I admit it. But I never though Mattel would make a doll to honor the fact! I really think I have to get this Princess Liana Barbie doll for my collection. Or maybe I should just get two and give the other one to Margaux so she can make me something special.


Veronica Darling said...

And you were only just talking about PINK! xoxo

Liana Kabel said...

I know! I LOVE it!!! xx